Tuesday 25 October 2011


This past weekend myself and my buddy Pat headed down to Ottawa for some much earned fun. What kind of fun can be had in Ottawa you ask. Well its a little thing we call Blood Bowl, and not just any Blood Bowl this is Death Bowl. Death Bowl is the holy grail of all Blood Bowl tournaments in my books.
Regular Blood Bowl (or BB for short) is two teams bashing the crap out of each other to score touchdowns. Basically it's where football meets Dungeons and Dragons. Death Bowl is the same idea, but now it's 4 teams and 2 balls and a whole lot of mayhem and destruction.
I have been going to this tournament since the second one. Never was very good at the game but always had a great time. The first four Death Bowls were held here in Montreal and then the organizer decided it was time to sell it all off and move on. The boys in Ottawa were able to buy the whole lot and continued it over in their cty. They re-organized the tournament and made it into a totally new style. The old one had us playing 4 games of regular BB with 1 game of BB 7's and 1 game of Death Bowl. Now we play 4 games of pure Death Bowl and all in all its a much better tournament.
Every year there is always a theme team and that particular team/race gets some small bonus's. Most fo the time the theme team is one of the bottom tier teams (ie: Halfling / Ogre / etc.). This year and last they decided to make them tier 2 teams. Slann was last year and Elf was this year. Not a lover of the Elf teams this year I did not bring the theme team. Which I try to do each year.
Next year is going to be the 10th Death Bowl tournament and they have decided to make it a nice and exciting theme ..... YEAR OF THE ORIGINAL SIX....
High Elf
Dark Elf